Monday, July 27, 2009 | Labels: | |

It’s funny how some people hate smokers, but have never had a cigarette in their life. Almost all of those that smoke enjoy it for what it does, but they also wish that they didn’t do it. If you have never had a cigarette, you can’t possibly understand how addictive it can be. Not only is the nicotine something that the body craves almost instantly after getting a taste of it, the habit, motions, and even the feel of the cigarette on the lips are also addicting. Those who understand the smoking risks are more likely to quit, but be sure of this: it is something many fail at multiple times before they get it right.

Smokers know the smoking risks. They don’t, however, know how to get out from under something that is very powerful. As far as addictions go, this is one that grabs a hold very quickly, and people are smoking a pack a day before they know it. They love it and they hate it at the same time. Smoking risks can be murky, but they are real. If someone you loves smokes, and you want them to quit, don’t harp, but rather, encourage them to learn more.

For the most part, cigarettes are not that pleasant to those that don’t smoke them. That is understandable. However, talking about how disgusting they are is not going to encourage someone to think about smoking risks. Instead, they are going to feel defensive. That is an attack on personality rather than the problem. The focus should be on concern for someone’s health, and what the smoking risks mean to not only them, but also those that are around them. Tough love can work, but it can also backfire consistently in this case.

When you want someone to quit, tell them that you are concerned about smoking risks, and then spell that out for them. That means you should do your homework before you even talk with them. Some of the most painful smoking risks are emphysema and lung cancer, not to mention what second hand smoke can do to others. Know what these things are, what the statistics are, and what quitting really means for their health. If they think you care, they are more likely to want to make the right choice. Just remember to be supportive, as it can take a while to truly quit the habit. Remember that it’s not easy, and just because they fail does not mean they don’t want to try again until they get it right.